Friday, April 29, 2011

23,000 people are murdered in Taiji, Japan every year and noone cares

23,000 people are murdered in Taiji, Japan every year. Men, women, children… not one person is spared. Yet, this massacre goes unnoticed, covered up by the heartless perpetrators of the crime. 
The people are first herded together into a group, falling into a trap there was never an escape from. The best of the lot are then picked out and sold as slaves, splitting up families and friends. The ones who don’t quite reach their standards are left (many being kids because of their small size and weakness). Kept in cramped spaces for the night, children stay close to their mothers for protection, but that could never be enough for what horrifying things await them… 
The next day, after a long, terrifying and uncertain night, the holocaust finally begins. The murderers come with smiles on their faces, full of anticipation for the deaths that are to follow. They approach with ease and with no feeling of guilt in their hearts. 
They start with the strongest – the people they know will put up a fight and want to kill first. They drag them away from their families and, using a spear, either stab them or slit their throats. The last image these poor people have of the world is an image of confusion, pain and blood. 
Once the strong ones are killed, they go for the defenceless. They wrench them away one by one and repeat the process. Children have to watch their parents be slaughtered before their eyes and are left alone and unprotected, before they too meet the same fate. 

I know what you’re thinking – “Is this for real? People should not be treated like this! This needs to be stopped!” etc. 
But there is just one problem - they’re not people… they’re dolphins. 

Why does everyone think there is such a big difference?

I found it on a message board and loved it!!


  1. I dont understand how people can see a difference between it happening to people and happening to animals. Suffering is suffering. Regardless of who it is done on. Great post!

  2. Exactly Belinda, it does not matter to me either way it breaks my heart to see suffering. I'm glad we are getting the word out.

  3. I guess this comment is really late but I have not gotten on my blog in years... I have no idea how it was connected to Yahoo News. Sorry.
