Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Your Never Ending song

I wrote this about a year ago when I truly felt my heart shatter, not over a boy, but at the loss of a friend. Someone who can never be replaced and an incident that keeps me asking God "why", but I know He is there for all those going through heartache. Its not brilliant but it is my raw emotion at the time. It combines two events that were happening in my life simultaneously even though I did not realize it. The same weekend I was connecting with God in the Texas hills about 200miles away I lost an amazing friend.
Your Never Ending song
You soak us in Your unconditional love like you do the earth with the rain.
We hear your melody as the frogs croaks and the thunder clashes.
We see your face in the morning sun, hear all Your creation come to life around us.
Laughter of our friends all around, echoes through the hills.
You scattered stars to wink at us and a lullaby of crickets and owls to remind us You are there.
Everything can go from being amazing and then in one painful second it crashes all around.
Misery can be heard in our cries and seen in our tears.
Listen to the strain of our hearts break and the whisper of a thousand I love yous.
We wish with all our hearts that we could hold Your hand, then we remember you gave us countless hands to hold, along with a song always to be heard.