Friday, July 15, 2011

Should "Bible Classes" be taught in schools?

This was the facebook conversation between a former teacher of mine, my dad and I....

My status- OMG Chuck Norris..epic fail. No we should NOT have a "bible course" in our public schools. (face palm)

Me- we dont even have the resources to teach kids all the science and math they need to know...

Jessica- its funny, the government is like we need to concentrate on making education better, but then some first people that get laid off are teachers. it just baffles me

Me- yea I know huh!?!?

Former Teacher- Let’s see, Casey – the source of the most essential and noble Western and American values, like universal human dignity, natural rights and equality before the law; the philosophical foundation and wellspring of Western science; the greatest single source of literary inspiration, reference, allusion and turn-of-phrase in English-language literature… among other things – What possible justification could there be for including study of the Bible in school? The real scandal is how effectively the socialist ideologues of the past half-century have taken study of the Bible OUT of public schools. That such a bright and ostensibly educated young Westerner like yourself would regard study of the Bible as so contemptible illustrates how effectively they are managing to cut off contemporary Western civilization from our roots.

Me- The government has already failed at educating students math and science, I seriously doubt that a government run education system could effectively handle something as complicated as the Bible and all of its interpretations. If Mr. Norris really wanted to instill values into the future generations, he could propose a course with no agenda that focused on honesty and integrity. Honestly, I think that is how every classroom should be run, like yours, athletics, and some other classrooms at AHS. Why should we only have one class that focuses on teaching American values. Side note- I see nothing wrong with the Bible being used in an English setting to show it as a work of literature. America would run more smoothly if everyone was the same denomination of Christianity, but that is what makes us the greatest nation in to world is that we are a combination of different religions and are free to practice or not practice as we choose. As a Christian it is my duty to teach people about Jesus and as an American I stand for freedom. I incorporate these two beliefs into everyday life by living my life to show people God's love and also to realize I live in country where people are free not to accept it. Real change is brought through changing peoples' minds and hearts not through legislative action. (quote by me:)) I doubt this would ever pass (thankfully) but if it did it would bring even more people to shun away from Christianity. Its the job of parents, religious leaders, you, and I to show people God and encourage society to hold people to a higher moral standard not a government that has grown and gained so much unnecessary power. Ultimately, I think we have the same goals, which is to bring society back to God and American values, however our difference in opinion is in how it should be done. (I could be completely wrong)
May 20 at 3:44pm · Like ·  1 person

My dad- Congratulations Case, you set the trap and lured a perfect example, albeit wordy and condesending, of why we don't need anyone teaching their personal religious beliefs in our schools….very tricky of you to use the opposition to prove your point.

What's yalls opinion?!?

1 comment:

  1. I would be ok with offering a bible class in schools, but it should not be a requirement.
