Monday, July 18, 2011

The other side of your lab class..

Hola, this is Beans!! He was originally viewed of as  property of a university, the fate that awaited him was  having a pin stuck through his head while still awake, being opened up, and played with while conscious. Luckily, for him he was an extra but that meant he was going to be euthanized...sad day..but then a fellow biology student saved him and I adopted him! YAY!!
Sadly he is in the minority across the world given a 2nd chance.

After a few months he did escape while I was moving...but he escaped outside so hopefully he found a new awesome natural home:D

This is Mr.Spartacus, he was taken from his home in the Gulf of Mexico and brought back to a zoology lab in West Texas. This is where he ate his tankmates and was put on death row. What do you expect?  He is a wild animal. Now he chills in my living room, kind of like a guard dog, putting up an offensive whenever people sit down. He is kind of like a grumpy oldman, hes mean but you cannot help but to have a soft spot in your heart for him. Hopefully soon he will be returned to the ocean....but until then he will be a member of the bible study held in my apartment weekly. haha

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Money is power. It is our power as consumers.

Money is power. It is our power as consumers.
Against slavery? Don't buy from companies that use sweat shops.
Against child abuse? Don't buy from companies that use sweat shops!
Want to support American jobs? Buy American.
Think its wrong to kill animals for fur? Don't buy products with leather or fur!
Against killing pets in shelters? Don't buy from a breeder and adopt.
Against tyrants? Don't buy their exports!
Against animal abuse? GO VEGAN.
Think all the violence on the border is horrible? Don't support drug dealers!
Against using animals for testing beauty products? Buy products from companies that don't test on animals!!
Support spreading the word of Jesus? Put your money where your mouth is.
Want to spread the word about whats important to you? Buy clothing advertising it! 
Want to support your community? Buy local!
Against pollution? Buy recycled goods!
Against polluting water? Buy organic/ go vegan!
Support our troops? Buy them some goodies

Just because you "think" its wrong does not mean a damn thing, its your actions that matter.
p.s. I realize this is not well written but you get the point & no i don't do all these things but in time I hope to change the world with my actions, money, and words.

LIVE YOUR LIFE WITH PASSION or else its not really worth living. 

Friday, July 15, 2011

Should "Bible Classes" be taught in schools?

This was the facebook conversation between a former teacher of mine, my dad and I....

My status- OMG Chuck Norris..epic fail. No we should NOT have a "bible course" in our public schools. (face palm)

Me- we dont even have the resources to teach kids all the science and math they need to know...

Jessica- its funny, the government is like we need to concentrate on making education better, but then some first people that get laid off are teachers. it just baffles me

Me- yea I know huh!?!?

Former Teacher- Let’s see, Casey – the source of the most essential and noble Western and American values, like universal human dignity, natural rights and equality before the law; the philosophical foundation and wellspring of Western science; the greatest single source of literary inspiration, reference, allusion and turn-of-phrase in English-language literature… among other things – What possible justification could there be for including study of the Bible in school? The real scandal is how effectively the socialist ideologues of the past half-century have taken study of the Bible OUT of public schools. That such a bright and ostensibly educated young Westerner like yourself would regard study of the Bible as so contemptible illustrates how effectively they are managing to cut off contemporary Western civilization from our roots.

Me- The government has already failed at educating students math and science, I seriously doubt that a government run education system could effectively handle something as complicated as the Bible and all of its interpretations. If Mr. Norris really wanted to instill values into the future generations, he could propose a course with no agenda that focused on honesty and integrity. Honestly, I think that is how every classroom should be run, like yours, athletics, and some other classrooms at AHS. Why should we only have one class that focuses on teaching American values. Side note- I see nothing wrong with the Bible being used in an English setting to show it as a work of literature. America would run more smoothly if everyone was the same denomination of Christianity, but that is what makes us the greatest nation in to world is that we are a combination of different religions and are free to practice or not practice as we choose. As a Christian it is my duty to teach people about Jesus and as an American I stand for freedom. I incorporate these two beliefs into everyday life by living my life to show people God's love and also to realize I live in country where people are free not to accept it. Real change is brought through changing peoples' minds and hearts not through legislative action. (quote by me:)) I doubt this would ever pass (thankfully) but if it did it would bring even more people to shun away from Christianity. Its the job of parents, religious leaders, you, and I to show people God and encourage society to hold people to a higher moral standard not a government that has grown and gained so much unnecessary power. Ultimately, I think we have the same goals, which is to bring society back to God and American values, however our difference in opinion is in how it should be done. (I could be completely wrong)
May 20 at 3:44pm · Like ·  1 person

My dad- Congratulations Case, you set the trap and lured a perfect example, albeit wordy and condesending, of why we don't need anyone teaching their personal religious beliefs in our schools….very tricky of you to use the opposition to prove your point.

What's yalls opinion?!?

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Friend of the Week!!

Now tell me this is not animal abuse!  I am absolutely infuriated right now after finding out what happened to Lily on>
"This is Lilly; She is the Lilly's Rescue mascot. We are a division of Pets Are Us Rescue. She came to me with drastically severe burns. The cause is unknown. Her dewlap was melted to her and the depth of the burns was unreal. Her palms, dewlap, vent and tail were completely scorched. She has since healed very well without her skin cracking or drying out....Please read up on any animal before you adopt them. There is so much to learn about iguanas. She is another Igg who truly needs donations; they can be made at You can also obtain a wealth of information at this site. "

Now tell me you think only fuzzy  critters can be abused! Tell me reptiles feel pain any differently! If anything they are even more sensitive to it.  I want to adopt her and let her live out her life without anymore pain.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

World Event to End Animal Cruelty!!

I'm the newest ambassador representing the WEEAC!! It is such an honor and a great opportunity to spread the word about the truth that goes on across the world.
Animal all over the world are victims at the hands of humans, and it needs to stop now.

- <3 -
Casey May

Sunday, June 26, 2011

“Saving just one dog won’t change the world, but it will surely change the world of that one dog.”

      If you don't read anything else from this post read this-“Saving just one dog won’t change the world, but it will surely change the world of that one dog.”

       Ok if you read my post, Adopt a Friend. No Matter the Species., then you read my mini rant about how much I HATE it when people have their dogs chained up all day, every day, their whole lives. My friends have heard me rant about my frustration with ignorant people and about how I wish I could chain all those people and do the exact same thing to them!!
     They would beg to be set free while they bake in the hot sun, tangled up on debris in the yard unable to reach the green stagnant bowl of water, laying in their own waste, they would pull and pull choking themselves unable to get off the chain around their necks..... I realize I sound like I'm being dramatic, but I'm not.
The difference between chaining dogs and chaining humans is that dogs do not hate the ones who chained them up. They do not sit out there hating their owners ,they sit out there wondering what they did wrong. Humans would sit out there thinking about how they would get back at the one who did this to them, how they hate them, and how they would seek revenge. Dogs..well as man's best friend they wait for you to return and shower you with love....
I took these pictures April 2010..


Yes, animals do get sunburns. No, they do not like to lay in their waste. Yes, animals like fresh water. Yes, they will continue to love you no matter you do to them. No, that does not mean you can do whatever you want to them.

This is the same dog(JJ) from those ^^ pictures, only this time he's with me:)

Enjoying my casa.


Exploring the park!!

His owner said he was a " cat killer".
Ha ha yea right. He would nap w/ my kittens.

 Not only did he do all this but he was at almost every tennis practice my senior year and was in the team picture:)

           Anyway back to chaining up dogs, if you do not have time for a dog do not adopt one. If you see a dog that is neglected get involved. That is what I did with JJ, I would bring him to my house for days at a time during the summer, take him to tennis practice everyday, and when I dropped him off I changed and cleaned water/ food dishes. Since his owner was gone 3 days at a time he did not always have food so I would bring him some and put sunscreen on his nose. Multiple times I took him to the vet for check ups and once for stitches (its unknown if he got hurt with me or over there). Here is a website with tips--->Unchain Your Dog. Honestly, I am not very good at confronting people nicely. I'm passionate, get frustrated, and I am not really a people person haha. The thing you need to remember when trying to help an animal in this kind of situation is, the government sees pets as property not beings. I had to learn this the hard way:( Since I spent so much time with JJ I felt like he was really mine. FALSE I had no legal right over him therefore I could not protect him. My heart broke everytime I picked him up or dropped him off, no boy had ever hurt me like this... how could it be that the first time I get my heart broken is because of a dog?
           I told my dad that people thought I was weird because I loved a dog that was not even mine. His response was "why is that weird? I have met way more dogs I liked than people" haha I love my daddy, he gets me:) Despite my many efforts to adopt JJ I failed. I admit I went about it the wrong way, I was critical, threatening, and angry. I became even worse once I realized I would never be able to help him. "HOW COULD I CHANGE THE WORLD IF I CAN'T EVEN HELP A DOG?" and other negative thoughts ran through my mind. 3 years later the story has a sorta happy ending,  JJ and his owner moved to another house with a better fence(so is no longer chained), a big dog house, and I think his owner cleans out the yard once in awhile. Another thing is he is aloud inside more!! yay:) Thanks for reading about my K9 friend, now go out there and change the world for at least one dog.
Want to read some cute dog quotes? Click HERE
Also please vote in the poll in the margin:) Do you think its ok to chain dogs?

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Adopt a Friend. No Matter the Species.

 A couple of days ago, I started volunteering at my local animal shelter and the first dog I walked was a sweetheart that looked like mop. He was adorable, got along well with other dogs, and did well on a leash. The next day I went back to spend time with my newfound friend, however, the kennel was empty. Therefore, I asked a man if he had been adopted and the response I got was “sure”…WHAT THE HECK..WHAT DO YOU MEAN “SURE”? I suppose the woman next to him saw my puzzled look and explained that the animals sometimes are at the vet overnight, are adopted, or are put to sleep. I am sure I could feel my heart crumbling to a million pieces in my chest. She explained that whenever they notice a dog is gone they just tell themselves that they I have found a new home and move on to the next kennel. The man elaborated, explaining how he use to run an animal shelter, and that sometimes it is just better for them to be put to sleep opposed to never finding a home. He also explained what a luxury it is to be a no kill shelter….yea at that point tears were building up in my eyes..
 I was too scared to ask an employee what happened to him.. I guess I’ll pray that he is there tomorrow or found the loving home he deserves.
This past week I have had a poll asking what your favorite animal companion is, and after the votes were cast these are the results:
18 for K9s
12 for Cats
2 for Reptiles/Amphibians
2 for Horses 
4 for Exotic Animals
2 for Birds

    I realize that this is an elementary question but where I am going with this is no matter what species of friend you are looking for there is one in need of a home. There is no need to buy from a breeder when there is already the perfect companion waiting for you in a shelter. is a helpful resource to help you find the friend you want. Word of advice, I would never recommend that you base choosing the new member of your family off a preferred breed, color, gender, ect. Base it off what personality is right for your home, obviously this can be swayed by their  breed but when you contact a shelter tell them your preferred personality qualities and they can help you determined which cutie would be right for your family. Consider..
·       If you have adequate amount of space in your home.
·       If you can provide exercise.
·       If you can financially support them.
·        Children.
·       Your other companion animals.
·       Most importantly, if you really have time to dedicate to another being and if your intentions are sincere.
    (Mini Rant- It infuriates me to no end when I see dogs tied up in a nasty yard!! "Friends Don't Chain Friends" is a campaign put on by PETA <3 Think about it, this nonhuman companion depends on you for everything- water, food, and love. Is leaving him or her outside chained up at all what they deserve. Here is how you can help -->
    Anyway back to adopting instead of buying, not only does it help an animal it helps you!! They are current on their shots, spayed or nurtured, if you ask the employee’s opinion you are more likely to find the critter that is right for you, the dog is more likely to be house trained, its cheaper, plus it makes you a cooler personJ  
    Not really into the traditional pets? You can still save animals!! Like I said, has it all!! Rodents, birds, snakes, lizards, farm animals, and anything else you can think of!! So question, why would you go to petsmart or somewhere to buy a pet and support breeding when you can go get one that needs you!! That’s how I got my baby boy Rafiki <3 A sweetheart of an Kenyan Sand Boa. Actually, I got him from craigslist but same situation; I took him out a situation where he was not wanted. However, make sure you do NOT buy from a breeder on there!!
Now go out there and add a new addition to your family, if you can provide them with all they need. They are not toys, they are beings.J

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Friend of the Week!!

This week it should be friends of the week because I wanted to bring attention to all of my new friends at the Alpine Humane Society!! Each and everyone of the residents there is amazing!! To read about some of them go to ---->, I have met most of them and wanted to bring them all home!! However this week I want to focus on the kittens:D
These two guys are a hoot!! Oh my they keep me laughing the whole time I'm in there!

Sisi, this little girl is so sweet and would make a great addition to any family <3

<---talk about a handful!! these cuties will keep life interesting, especially if you have enough room to take all three of them:)
Stop by and see these little guys:)

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Friend of the Week!!

Kiko was transferred to us from Town Lake Animal Center and has a very swollen vulva.  We believe she is adrenal but she does not yet have any hair loss.  She is approximately 3 years old and is a light silver ferret with a black nose.

Kiko is a sweet girl who loves to be held.  She is a bit fearful of other ferrets at first, but is accepting of them as long as they are not too rough.  She has been seen by our vet for an exam and vaccinations, as well as a melatonin implant and lurpon for the adrenal.  

The adoption fee for Kiko is $40.  Anyone who applies to adopt Kiko must be knowledgeable about adrenal disease in ferrets. 

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Friend of the Week!!
Dali is a sweet Alexandrine Parakeet. He is a talker and loves to play in the water. Dali is an excellent companion bird.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Not Just Changing What I Do but How I think

How I view my family..
I have a really sweet mom and dad that I love so much! 
I have a 17 year old annoying pain in the butt brother- Nick, a really shy sister named Jenny who is 7 years old, My brother Carlo, who was in the border patrol that passed away 4 years ago, another 8 moth old brother, Carlitto, who is a spunky handful. 
I have a 2 year old daughter named Lilly and a 5 year old son Franky, and another 4 year old son named Rafiki who I love unconditionally. 

How the rest of the world sees my family... 
I live with my parents and one brother(Nick). They see us as a family of 4 that "owns" 2 dogs Jenny and Carlitto, 2 cats Franky and Lilly, and had a dog that was part of the Border Patrol K9 Unit and passed away 3 years ago. 

Its not that I just dont eat meat or wear fur- I perceive the world differently I love my human and non human family members the same. 

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Friend of the Week!!

Are you lonely? Have a stable home and a love for animals? !!!!
Here is a buddy if you like barn animals (as friends not food)
<---Ms.Olive is soooo cute

Primary Color: Black
Weight: 25
Age: 0yrs 3mths 2wks 
Animal has been Spayed

Monday, May 9, 2011


OKIE DOKIE!!!! who does not love free stuff!?!
NO ONE!! So as a team lets spread the word about whaling and then one lucky winner will get a whale stuffed animal (sorry boys) and whale wars season 2.
Ok, so to enter: 1st way to enter, friend me on facebook(,  then post a video for 48hrs that will help show the cruelty involved in whaling for everyone to see what is really going on in our oceans. 2nd way to enter, follow my blog publicly. 3rd way to enter, write me @ telling me how you help end whaling or how you feel about it.(it will end up on one of my posts w your permission:))

    Disclaimer: yes whale wars can get kinda lame but they are doing the best they can with what they have:) I just kinda felt like supporting them and showing the Sea Shepherd some love <3

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Friend of the Week!!
Hi. My name is Smokey. I am very sweet and am good with children, other cats, and small dogs. I am in need of a good home with lots of love and attention. If you are interested in adopting me please call (432) 264-2372. I will be available until 5/3/2011. <--Im assuming that means he did not make it:'( that makes me terribly sad. Please get your next friend from a shelter.  

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Friend of the Week!!

   Are you lonely? Have a stable home and a love for animals? !!!!

Monica is a rare Chocolate Dapple Long haired Dachshund. Monica is energetic, sweet and affecionate. It is nearly impossible to find a negative aspect to Monica's personality. She's simply precious and ready for a new home. Monica gets along well with her other Foster siblings, and is ready to give someone her unconditional love. This animal has been fully vetted including physical exam, heartworm test, annual vaccinations, fecal test, parasite testing and treatment and FIV/feline leukemia as applicable. All HSTGC pets are microchipped

Friday, April 29, 2011

23,000 people are murdered in Taiji, Japan every year and noone cares

23,000 people are murdered in Taiji, Japan every year. Men, women, children… not one person is spared. Yet, this massacre goes unnoticed, covered up by the heartless perpetrators of the crime. 
The people are first herded together into a group, falling into a trap there was never an escape from. The best of the lot are then picked out and sold as slaves, splitting up families and friends. The ones who don’t quite reach their standards are left (many being kids because of their small size and weakness). Kept in cramped spaces for the night, children stay close to their mothers for protection, but that could never be enough for what horrifying things await them… 
The next day, after a long, terrifying and uncertain night, the holocaust finally begins. The murderers come with smiles on their faces, full of anticipation for the deaths that are to follow. They approach with ease and with no feeling of guilt in their hearts. 
They start with the strongest – the people they know will put up a fight and want to kill first. They drag them away from their families and, using a spear, either stab them or slit their throats. The last image these poor people have of the world is an image of confusion, pain and blood. 
Once the strong ones are killed, they go for the defenceless. They wrench them away one by one and repeat the process. Children have to watch their parents be slaughtered before their eyes and are left alone and unprotected, before they too meet the same fate. 

I know what you’re thinking – “Is this for real? People should not be treated like this! This needs to be stopped!” etc. 
But there is just one problem - they’re not people… they’re dolphins. 

Why does everyone think there is such a big difference?

I found it on a message board and loved it!!